ACM Supporting Black Lives Matter Movement

05 Jun 2020

This post was written more than two years ago. The content or information below may no longer be accurate.

ACM supports the Black Lives Matter movement. It is incredibly important for every single member of the ACM community to get involved in this global conversation stemming from the tragic death of George Floyd. Over the past week, we have been busy working with students and staff to get some initial projects rolling, and also engaging in discussions about what meaningful action we can take as an institution. Our staff and students have been working on a video to help raise awareness of the Black Lives Matter movement (watch below), and showing our support for promoting racial justice. But this is just the start…

Get Involved at ACM

If you would like to be more actively involved in our action plan, please email with your thoughts and ideas.

Understand and Educate

Understand anti-racism with these useful books and resources and endeavour to educate others here.

Change Petition

If you want to make a difference and see “Justice for George Floyd”, please click here and sign the petition.

Black Lives Matter

Learn more about the official Black Lives Matter Movement here.

ACM African and Caribbean Society

Introducing our new African and Caribbean Society – run by students! Get involved and network with fellow students in our African and Caribbean Society Facebook Group.

ACM Black History Month 2019

ACM marked Black History Month last year with events across campuses and an online campaign. We celebrated a range of incredible black music artists from the past 100 years of popular music history in our Black History Month blog post and Spotify Playlist.
